Oil heating plants during transportation with intermediate heat transfer agent or with convection heating.
Oil heating plants are designed for heating oil, crude oil emulsions for transmission and feed to the plant for further treatment. Natural or associated petroleum gas, dry fuel gas, stock-tank oil can be used as fuel. This allows to use deposit resources as fuel.
Types of the offered plants:
1) Oil heating plant with the intermediate heating medium;
Oil heating plant with the intermediate heating medium is designed for heating oil, crude oil emulsion, gas or their mixtures as well as water for technological and heating purposes at oil-production enterprises. It is also applied for field domestic buildings heating. Outlet heat carrier temperature can reach 400°Ñ. The plants are totally automated, that allows to control the operating temperature specified by a customer with accuracy of 0,5% from the given value. Automation system monitors the temperatures of the heating medium and exhaust gases, combustion air pressure, the burner flame and heating medium flow with the record.
2) Oil heating plant with combined heating;
Oil heating plant with combined heating is meant for heating oil of different viscosity and crude-oil emulsion in field oil treatment technologies as well as during its transmission. The possibility to heat the product in the heater ensures the plant usage for the heavy crude preparation as well as in oil and gas condensate stabilization technologies.
3) Oil heating plant with the convection heater;
Crude oil heats up by flowing through the heat transfer coil which warms up by the convection gases covering the outer coil surface. The gases recirculate, that improves efficiency, decreases and limits the burner flame radiation. Heat exchanger convection configuration allows to monitor the pipe wall face temperature. The heater rises the oil temperature up to the point required by a customer, at that reducing viscosity and providing conditions for is further transmission through oil-trunk pipelines.
The main advantage of the plant with the convection heater is its protection from liquid face overheat because of the pipe wall. This ensures its use for heating crude oil sensitive to overheating.
4) Wellhead oil heating plant with the separation block;
The wellhead oil heating plant is designed for the wellhead heating of oil and oil crude emulsion at their transmission within the gathering systems.
As an example we suggest to regard the following variant:
Oil heating plant is designed for heating of 80 tons of crude oil with temperatures from 0 to 60°Ñ per day. The available exhaust gas which is burnt in the system is used for oil heating.
Oil heating system consists of:
- Exhaust gas combustion systems
- Oil heater heat exchanger
Process description

As soon as oil is accessible to heating, heater start command is given. The burner starts to work and burns the exhaust gas in the system, while oil is dispensed through the system. Initially, oil is circulating through the inner duct until the temperature rises. As soon as the temperature rises, oil moves to the outlet. While the system is being heated, oil can flow back to the storage tank.
The oil outlet temperature can be adjusted by means of the parameters set on the control panel.
Heat exchanger
Type | td> : shell-and-tube
Heat load | : 0.5 million kcal / hr |
Pressure | : 20 bar |
Max pressure drop | : 10 bar |
Material of construction | : stainless steel 316 |
Gas heater
The gas heater is designed to use the available fuel gas of the following composition:
Methane | : 57.41 |
Ethane | : 4.8 |
Propane | : 2.31 |
Butane | : 0.37 |
Pentane | : 0.08 |
ÑÎ2 | : 0.53 |
N2 | : 33.89 |
H2 | : N/A |
Combustion system
Completely automated exhaust gas combustion system consists of the following:
- Exhaust gas burner
- Main burner gas block
- LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) pilot burner
- Pilot burner gas block
- Air duct control means
- Air blower
- PLC based control panel
- Exhaust gas flow meter
- Air modulation system
Gas burner
Exhaust gas burner burns the gas in the oil heater. The burner is completely made from stainless steel to provide a long term service life.
Capacity | : 100 m3/hr |
Type | : with mixing nozzle |
Discharge | : multiport |
Ignition | : by means of pilot burner |
Discharge gas inlet pipe | : 40 mm |
Air receiver | : 4" |
A reserve has been made to provide ports for flame indicator, pilot burner, additional gas block, and viewing port.
Gas block
The gas block will consist of flame arrester, dual pressure switch, relief gate valve, hand valve, pressure regulator and diaphragm gage with shut-off valve.
For maximum personnel and system equipment safety, the following is provided:
- Flame sensor for the system disconnection in case of flame failure
- Flame arrester to prevent flame flashback.
- Pressure relay to secure the set parameters.
- Pressure regulators to secure the required operating pressure.
Material of construction
Injector | : steel 310 |
Exhaust gas pipe | : steel 304 |
Air register | : steel 304 |
Flow passages | : steel 304 |
Control system
For completely automated operation the control panel with PLC is provided. The control panel is equipped with the audio and video alarm system for indications and messages.
The system will be equipped with the following control devices:
- Safety interlock
- Parameters control, i.e. pressure and temperature control
- PLC controlled operation with the pre-set parameters
- Indication of underheating or overheating, oil heater pressure drop, flame condition
Plant layout
FA101 | Main flame arrestor | 1 |
FA102 | Pilot flame arrestor | 1 |
PRV101 | Pressure reliev valve | 1 |
BFV101 | Main butterfly valve | 2 |
MOV 102 | Three way motorized valve | 1 |
IT101 | Ignition transformer | 1 |
IE101 | Ignition electrode | 2 |
MS0V101 | Main shutoff valve | 1 |
PSV101 | Pilot solenoid valve | 1 |
BGLPS | B G low pressure switch | 1 |
BGHPS | B G high pressure switch | 1 |
APS | Air pressure switch | 1 |
PG101 | Diaphragm pressure gauge | 1 |
OH | Heat exchanger | 1 |
S0V101 | Solenoid valve | 1 |
- | UV flame sensor | 1 |